My Blog

Here will I put my blog posts...

Study choice

Having developed a keen eye for the emerging technologies around me, I have always been passionate about exploring the science of computers and information system ever since I was a kid. My innate interest around Computer exploration began from an early age, as I usually formed the habit of fondling with some of the gadgets around; ostensibly trying to explore the mechanism behind their functionalities. My knowledgeable experiences while growing up; summer computer lessons and computer studies in my previous schools, equipped me with the opportunity to enhance my technical skill a little, and be... able to dexterously manage different tasks and responsibilities around my sphere.

I am a bit of a curious one and like to know how some stuff work. I think this kind of study and work will give me the opportunity to discover and adjust these things. Since the demand for IT professionals are high at workplaces, it motivates me more to keep learning new things; thus,keep my interest wide and keep developing.

I want to find a job and maybe go abroad to do so, I hope during my internship to get an image of the jobs and maybe even get a job over, hence I pick interest in software engineering - it means I will be creating lots of things plus I like to create. I expect to at least learn the basics of computers, engineering, coding and how a lot of existing programs work, altogether.

Personal SWOT analysis

Strong at heart and eager to learn new things. Very much interested in team work and accept people regardless of their background.

Struggle with low self-esteem. Always afraid of letting another down and/or making mistakes. Sometimes keen to lay down for another.

I believe engaging with various people around me will not only help grow my social circle and build my communication skill, but will create opportunity to learn from each other. Moreover, soccer game is one ideal place where I usually express myself freely; thus, make friends of like minds easily and create room for fun.

Sometimes being too isolated makes it difficult to decipher when am going through hard times. I just do not feel like sharing a personal burden with another; instead bear it alone.

Programming experience

I do not have any prior programming experience. But so far, I have tried to gain some knowledge about the entire thing, coming to realise with the few time I have to just look through, I think I am gradually getting to understand the concept of what it is all about.

However, I am just eager to learn and master it, in the best way possible; hence why am here.

First feedback

This is a small summary of the first feedback I got from my pitch. These are some of the main points.


  • My code looks organized.
  • It has a nice look and feel to it.
  • (they did not say too much which also gives the feeling of not doing much wrong.)
  • Using absolute positioning instead of other ways (fallacy, I do not really understand how to work with the positioning)
  • Need to combine more CSS (carelessness, prioritizing other things in the site)
  • Incomplete FAQ answers as expected (fallacy, n/a - corrections applied already)
Code review Feedback
  • Absolute positioning was actually a solution but I guess that came back as feedback from the pitch to not use anymore.
  • Making a stylesheet which I did expect there is room for improvement and was mentioned in the pitch feedback also.
  • Cleaning up the look of my site which I did and there was no feedback about this in the pitch feedback.
  • Find a way to fix the absolute positioning while keeping the look the same -fix the stylesheet and make my CSS simpler.
  • fix small mistakes like FAQ answers.
  • make my site more reactive.

ICT field of work (Company Safari)

Oracle is an American multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas. Oracle sells database software and technology, cloud engineered systems and enterprise software products. Particularly its own brands of database management systems.

In 2020, Oracle was the second-largest software company in the world by revenue and market capitalization. The company also develops and builds tools for database development and systems of middle-tier software.

Providing organizations with the transformational tools they need to embrace innovation, Oracle today announced continued advancements in emerging technologies across Oracle Cloud, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain, IoT, and human interfaces.

Oracle believes in the importance of Diversity and Inclusion, where everyone’s differences are celebrated, and innovation can be found from the diverse backgrounds, views and abilities. They have committed themselves to creating a workplace that enables people to do their best work and are inspired to let their voice and values be heard.

A happy grad emoji showing off certificate SWOT logo (My personality analysis) Feedbacks I gathered on this site A decorative software engineering cloud map